e-Discovery 101: ALSP L.A. Chapter Inaugural Lunch

The Association of Litigation Support Professionals (ALSP) opened a Los Angeles Chapter and I was invited to their inaugural lunch earlier today, which was attended by approximately 65 people.

I like to go to these events to take the temperature of what’s going on out in the e-discovery universe and also as a reality check to make sure that I’m delivering relevant information to you.

This was a basic presentation, heavily weighted toward forensic recovery (very few attorneys were present).  I thought it was a great basic template, although I think the presenters went afoul of some of the legal aspects (e.g., when the SEC subpoenas data from 40 board members’ laptops – as was the case in their theoretical scenario – there is no reality in which a particular board member may image his or her own laptop and submit it (do I hear ‘fox guarding the henhouse’, anyone?)

With civil and/or criminal penalties at stake, an independent party to authenticate the process and serve as a testifying witness would be required.  But hey, that’s what we lawyers are here for, right?

All in all, a good presentation.  Congratulations to ALSP!