This just in: I’ll be appearing on a panel with my LPMT colleague, Gideon Grunfeld, at the annual LACBA Tax Night series of CLEs on Wednesday, June 15th from 2:30 – 3:30 PM. Here’s the synopsis:
“Gideon Grunfeld (Rainmaking for Lawyers) and Perry Segal (Attorney, and Management and Technology Professional) lead a discussion of the impact of technology on law practice management, from blogging and business development to data security, storage, and the Cloud.”
I thought it might be a good idea to share my presentation & conference schedule for the next couple of months…this will also explain why I haven’t had as much time to post; I have deadlines!
May 17-18th: As mentioned prior, I’ll be attending LegalTech next week in downtown Los Angeles. At the moment, I’m planning to attend both days.
June 1st: I’m presenting a one-hour CLE for general credit at the Los Angeles County Bar Association Litigation Section Inn of Court, titled, “How to Lose an eDiscovery Case in 30 Days“. The synopsis:
“The steps you take in the first 30 days leading up to the initial ‘Meet & Confer’ can make or break your case. This program will discuss what to do before, during and after to keep you on track.”
“A ‘disaster’ encompasses a lot more than you might think. The ‘physical’ office is covered; what about the ‘virtual’ office? If you suffer a catastrophic failure on Monday, can you be back in business Tuesday morning? Are there ethical issues? It’s 2 am. Do you know where your data is?”
Hey, that’s what I get for writing synopses at the last minute, late at night. How many times do you think a tech-weenie like myself has used the line, “It’s 2 am. Do you know where your data is?” (Answer: Too many times!!!).
I’m sure Hillary Clinton thanks me.
An IT Executive Turned Privacy, Cyber Security & Litigation Attorney and Consultant Shares his Personal Insights.
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