Tag Archives: CSBS

Re-Elected to a Second, Three-Year Term on the Council of State Bar Sections

csbs-tombstoneOn the heels of being awarded a tombstone for completing my three-year term on the Council, I was re-elected to a second term.

This is unprecedented (probably because prior officers had the good sense not to run again!).  My co-officer, Mark Ressa, was also re-elected.  The unanimous view from our colleagues: Gluttons for punishment.

With no fee bill or resolution to the issue of de-unification/separation, these are extremely challenging times for the Sections.  It’s anybody’s guess how we’ll be structured a year from now.

Tombstone, indeed.

…So Begins My Year as Co-Vice-Chair of CSBS!

On Thursday, October 10th, I was a couple of days away from taking my place as the "Immediate Past Chair" of the Law Practice Management and Technology Section.  Instead, I was elected Co-Vice-Chair of the Council of State Bar Sections along with my good friend Mark Ressa of the Family Law Section.  It's a new, three-year commitment with the Bar!

Yes, yes…I know what you're thinking.  It has "BS" in the name…

Onward & upward!