Tag Archives: android

CalBar LPMT Section Announces New App for Android & iOS!

LPMT App LinkedIn

Well, I've been working on this for two years, and today it's finally reality!  The new Android & iOS app from the State Bar of California Law Practice Management and Technology Section went live this morning.

Access our best publications, social media offerings and resources; all available under one roof for people on the go!  Best of all, you don’t have to be a member of the LPMT Section; the app is free to everyone.  It also makes a great companion to the upcoming annual meeting, because all of our presentations are pre-loaded on the calendar.

We hope you enjoy it!

eDiscovery 101: BYOD = BYOA (ASPIRIN)

MP900438810In the upcoming Calbar book, The California Guide to Growing & Managing a Law Office, I do a side-by-side comparison between the benefits and detriments of BYOD.  I'm sure the same sort of comparison takes place in meetings at all kinds of companies.  There's no doubt that on paper, many aspects of BYOD might yield productivity gains and other benefits for the enterprise.

[Note:  In the book, I lay out information in the format of pros and cons because the goal is to inform a reader of the positives and pitfalls so they can make an informed decision.]

So, what's my opinion?  If I was the consultant, in most cases, I'd likely fall into the 'against' column.  Why?  I'll get to that in a moment.

For those of you who don't know my background, at one time or another, I pretty much did every job on the operations side of IT before I ever became a lawyer.  This allows me to look at facts through a wide-angle lens.  The way my mind works, I literally imagine an issue as a 3-D photograph.  Let's apply that to BYOD:

We start by playing 'swap' for a moment.  Imagine coming into work one morning and all of the desktops are different brands and chipsets; some of them are Windows, but a mix of XP, Vista and Seven, others are Macs with various versions of the O/S and still others are Linux boxes.  Now, you may actually see that in some concerns, for good reason.  But I'm talking about literally a different box on each desk in the office.

That would be kind of hard to manage, wouldn't it?

Maybe it wouldn't seem like it to you, but again, I'm thinking very broadly.  We're not just dealing with realities, we're dealing with expectations.  What do I mean by that?

When I read most of the articles that address BYOD, they speak in terms of locking down various functions on a device, such as email, via Exchange, for example.  But that''s not how I'm thinking; and it won't be how the employees/consultants will be thinking, either.

Nope.  If it's a device supporting their job, they expect everyone up the chain to be able to support the entire device – not just components of it.  And, the enterprise should expect this as well, since a non-functioning device will ultimately affect productivity.

It means that your help-desk, field service technicians, level II (and level III) support will have to be proficient with every make and model of Windows Phone, Blackberry, iPhone and – if you'll pardon the pun – every flavor of Android.  Oh, and did anyone give any thought as to how you're going to back them up in such a manner that the company owns/controls the data?

That's what it means, Jelly Bean.

So, if you're considering BYOD, I hope the decision-makers are taking this into account and formulating policy.  Never mind that I didn't get into the fact that, if litigation arises, staff may have to turn over their personal devices for imaging or examination.  I also didn't get into how growth highly affects BYOD.  We all know the person who runs out and purchases the brand-new, untested, unpatched version of X the moment it's on the market.  Apple Maps, anyone?

I hope you bought the 1000-count bottle…

#CalBarAM12: From Hash Tag to App!

CalBarAM HomeIf you're attending the State Bar of California 85th Annual Meeting this week in Monterey – or want to stay abreast of the action (because as you know, lawyers are synonymous with action…) there's an app for that.  Available for both Apple and Android devices, you can monitor the #CalBarAM12 hash tag on the fly, organize your meeting/CLE/reception calendar, find maps to various meeting locations and the city itself, share contacts dynamically and a whole lot more!

Folks, the Bar's effort here is truly impressive.  I'm very proud of my colleagues who made this happen.  Plus, the LPMT Section's Social Media SubCommittee gets a little credit as well – we named it and also created the companion hash tag.

CalBarAM12 App Home
Soon, our Section will release our own app, so stay tuned for that announcement as well.  In the meantime, safe travels!

Tips & Tricks: My Phone Explorer for Android


One would think it easy to find snapshot apps for Android smartphones.  And it is; if your phone is rooted.  As someone who obviously loves to tinker with technology, I would like to play with that, but my phone isn't a toy – it's a tool.  I tried a lot of stuff and was resigned to the fact that there simply wasn't a good app for this purpose.  That is, until I came across My Phone Explorer from FJ Software Development.

This product does much more than create excellent images.  It's a complete syncing and management suite that's very highly rated by its customers.  However, the only module I use is the "Phone Keypad", which created the images for my prior tutorial as well as the above sample.

There's a desktop component (there I go with the word, 'desktop', again) and an app that's loaded on the smartphone.  Launch the app first, then start the desktop component and you can save your snapshots to the desktop.

Oh, and for those who think I just gave away the company store…that's a simulated image…it ain't my phone configuration!  But, it does raise a good point.  If you're going to share images with others, take a moment to ensure that nothing in the image has the potential to violate you, your family's – or your employer's – security and privacy.

Leveraging ActiveSync to Emulate MS Exchange, Part II – Sync Devices

Ok…so you've spent the weekend dutifully configuring your primary database and cloud configuration a la Part I, eagerly (at least, that's what I tell myself…) anticipating Part II; my instructions on how to synchronize your email, calendar & contacts with virtually all of your secondary devices.

The cool thing is, virtually any default or add-on app that supports Microsoft ActiveSync will work with this process.  For example, if you have an Android smartphone or tablet, you can configure Corporate Sync to use the default modules that came stock with your device – at no cost.  Or, since this process sits on a Hotmail backbone, you can use Microsoft's own Hotmail App

But, for a lot of us, we want robust functionality on our mobile devices.  After all, many of us spend more time using those products than our traditional desktop devices (pretty soon, the term 'desktop' won't even be accurate, anymore).  If, like me, you're one of those people, you may want to invest in apps geared to the power-user, such as Touchdown.

However, keep in mind; this is a Microsoft backbone, but it's a free backbone.  Regardless of whether the apps support ActiveSync, their technical support will not be obligated to assist you with the configuration because their products are meant to support true Exchange ActiveSync.  If you experience difficulty, you'll have to throw yourself on the mercy of the particular provider, or hit the support forums.

Basic configuration is actually fairly easy.  Let's take a look at a portion of the default Android Corporate Sync configuration screen:

Droid Corp Sync_75

You have the option of selecting your three sync modules separately.  This is helpful because, for example, I didn't want to use the default settings except to maintain a default copy of my contacts (which is enabled, above).  Then, you simply input your display email address and point to the Hotmail server.  As mentioned in Part I, always make sure you have SSL enabled.  Last (not visible here), input your Hotmail Login ID and password.  That's it!

Now, if you've decided to go the power-route, here's an example of the more robust configuration options available to you in Touchdown:

TD Account AS_75

As you can see, here you must specify ActiveSync, rather than Exchange.  Also, it assumes a domain – which you don't have – but it'll still work with your Login ID.  Sometimes, you need to input the backslash in front of the ID in order to correct for the lack of domain, so if it doesn't work the first time, play around with it a little bit.  You also have a choice of more than one 'reply-to' address.

Server configuration is virtually the same as under the default app above, except Touchdown combines all of the modules under a single icon.  Also, see how it confirms Microsoft IIS/

TD Connection AS_75

Now, the power user is ready to access the Advanced tab and configure the numerous options available.  Yes, it really is that easy!

So, what have we accomplished?

  • First, we've established a virtual database that can be archived on the fly and/or exported from the cloud at any time; extremely important if there's a server outage,
  • We're using SSL for better security, and of course, encryption options are available to us as well,
  • Any email, calendar entry or contact that is created, added or modified at one source is automatically propagated to all other resources,
  • Calendar invitations are seamlessly integrated,
  • No need to bcc: ourselves on every sent message,
  • Ability to work seamlessly in standalone mode with auto-sync once re-connected.

Dare I say…everything but the kitchen sync!  Yeah, I had to say it…I feel shame…

Leveraging ActiveSync to Emulate MS Exchange & Sync Multiple Devices – Part I

MP900448358In order to make great (information) soup, start with the right (data)base.

As promised, this is the first in a short series on how to leverage available software technology to sync Calendar, Contacts, Email and more on virtually all (or most) of your devices.  Now, we all know there are many different ways to accomplish this, however, this is aimed at the individual – or small business or law firm – who can't afford expensive hardware or software, is nervous about the cloud (for good reason) but would like a robust, alternative method to manage their data dependably, automatically and securely.  In other words, they don't want to be up at night worrying about it nor spending the day trying to figure out why it doesn't work!

What do most individuals and businesses in this 24-hour-a-day world want from their technology, anyway?

  • Access to my data 24-hours-a-day! (That was a gimme)
  • Rapid auto-sync (I enter/modify a contact on my smartphone and within five minutes, it propagates to all of my other devices)
  • I reply to an eMail message and it syncs everywhere without having to cc: myself at other locations/accounts (I hear complaints about this all of the time)
  • I receive a calendar appointment and can seamlessly add it to my device's calendar, then it propagates…
  • I generate calendar appointments that others may seamlessly process as well
  • If my server/cloud connectivity is severed, I have access to – and can process – all of my data up to that moment, modify it or generate more, then sync it when connectivity is restored (this is also important while traveling, isn't it?)
  • Ability to mirror/archive/backup the database (if this isn't on your list, it should be)
  • Ability to access the data securely

…and more, of course.  Many products provide some, or all of these features – the problem is, many of them do it in completely different ways, including for each separate function (e.g. calendar or contacts) and don't 'talk' to other devices very well.  The goal is to make the process as seamless as possible.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'm hitting for averages here, folks.  There are a lot of Operating Systems and hardware out there.  On PC, we have Windows, MAC, Linux, etc.  With tablets we have MAC, Blackberry, Android, etc.  Smartphones?  Well, there are four primaries; iPhone, Android, Blackberry & Windows.

We know that most PCs are Windows-based (no knock against Macs, it's just the way it is) and the majority of businesses use them.  iPhones and Androids are duking it out, with Blackberries still in the hunt and the new version of Windows phone making a splash.  We also know that a majority use Microsoft Office-based products (even many Mac users).  So, there's no way I'll make everyone happy.

The example I'll use for our purposes is a Windows-based PC, hosting Outlook 2003, 2007 or 2010.  You'll also need a Hotmail/Live Mail cloud component; however, this doesn't mean you'll be changing your existing email setup; you'll be supplementing it.  Last, you'll install the Outlook Hotmail Connector, which allows you to create a virtual database within Outlook.  This will serve as our primary device.  For security, I recommend that it be static, if possible.  Any mobile device, from laptop on down, runs the additional risk of being lost or stolen with your entire database living on it.  Not a pleasant thought.

Is there a method to my madness?  Yes.  The more one can accomplish under a single vendor, the better the results.  In this case, all database components are Microsoft, which makes the process seamless (remember, we're going to be communicating with a lot of devices).  Also, SSL capability was implemented in 2011, meaning your connection to the cloud will be much more secure, whether via Outlook, the Web or your secondary devices.

Once you have your components up & running, you have a choice:

  1. Use Hotmail to "fetch" your emails from your existing database, or,
  2. Forward your emails from your existing database to Hotmail.

Both methods are fine, but I recommend forwarding your emails.  With fetch, Hotmail must make an inquiry and "pull" your messages over.  There will usually be a time delay, which won't be sufficient for those of us who need our messages in real-time.  Forwarding doesn't normally cause a delay; emails are forwarded as they arrive, so this is preferable.  The good news is, you'll have another backup of your messages with your service provider.

As for contacts and calendar, you'll want to import them into your Outlook database as well.  Once completed, you can customize your settings in the cloud.  I recommend disabling as many 'bloatware' features as possible.  After all, you're looking to create a slick, business-like database.  What you do want to enable is your SSL functionality.  One way to verify this is to make sure you may only access it online via https://.  If it works via http://, your security isn't properly configured.

I know this is a lot of detail, but if you're willing to take some time and make the effort, you'll have an excellent base.  In Part II, I'll examine how you'll exploit various flavors of ActiveSync (Corporate Sync on some devices) to sync your data over mutiple platforms.

That's when the fun begins…

In the #Navy…You Can Sail the Seven Sins

Ship Happens
In the navy / No, you can't put your mind at ease.

I beat (not disco, usually) the privacy drum a lot because many times, the invasion is subtle.  I experienced it again with my new Droid.  The way Google would like us to sync contacts is to – among other methods – use Google Sync, sending our private information to their cloud, then delivering it to the device.  EarthLink tried to get at my contacts in a similar manner – by claiming I had to upload my address book in order to enable their custom spam filter.

My answer to both was the same – "Ain't gonna happen".  My EarthLink issue is old news; as far as the Droid is concerned, with a little time and research, I was able to sync via USB directly from the database on my local PC.

It's all about control.

I'm quite well aware that some of you think I go overboard (no pun intended, based on today's headline), but read this story from the Washington Post about the increase in Navy commanding-officer firings – and how technology is literally destroying the ranks from the inside-out – then tell me I'm overreacting.  I'm not going to pontificate.  For those who don't read the article, I'll let the following two quotes do it for me:

From the reporter, describing part of his conversation with Admiral Gary Roughead (chief of naval operations):  "He attributed the rise in part to the revolution in communications and technology, which has made it easier for sailors and their families to snoop on one another and then instantly spread the word — even from once-isolated ships at sea." (italics/bold added)

And from Adm. Roughead, himself:  “The divide between our private and professional lives is essentially gone". (italics/bold added)

Maybe that's what they meant by "Learn science technology"…

Yeah, There’s a (tr)App for That…

Pickpocket I'm pretty sure most of you are already aware that you can be tracked through your PDA (for those who don't, start by disabling GPS functionality or – horrors! – turn the device off).  But what other methods are companies using to track you; and while we're at it, how many of them are doing so?  The answer might surprise you.  The Wall Street Journal did some testing on iPhone and Android devices (Blackberrys weren't included).  According to the WSJ, roughly half of the apps sent differing degrees of personal information to 'someone' without the user's consent.

First of all, this is supposed to be a violation of most privacy policies, but in many cases, the policy either doesn't exist or isn't enforced if it does exist.  Second, although many of the culprits insist that they only compile general information, that explanation doesn't hold water.  PDAs have unique identifiers (aka UDID, PIN, etc.) that cannot be masked.  The article likens them to a "supercookie", but they remind me of the days of static IP numbers (for you non-techies, I usually describe an IP number as being similar to a telephone number in which the sequence can be used to pinpoint someone's specific location in the way one would use an area code and a prefix).

Why is this such a big deal?  Because I can mask my IP number by placing it behind a firewall (for you non-techies, a firewall is…oh, just look it up…) but I can't do so with the identifier.  Once someone has that identifier, it wouldn't take them too long to scour the Internet to retrieve your personal information and build a profile of your specific habits.

Do you see the implications?  This goes far beyond advertisers.  This is bad enough on a personal-exposure level, but then add the corporate dynamic.  Suppose Bob Smith, CEO of a publicly-traded concern, has been identified by a 3rd-party and is being tracked.  And suppose Mr. Smith is shown to be visiting the location of a competitor on three occasions.  What's Bob doing?

  1. Interviewing for a new job?
  2. Discussing a merger, buyout or acquisition?
  3. Divulging corporate secrets?

You get the idea.  Paranoid?  You bet!  A true disaster-recovery and/or security specialist deals in the realm of the possible, not just the probable.  Possibility is the primary risk; probability is the degree of risk (does that make sense?).

To put it another way, probability assists a client in making an informed decision about which risks they wish to defend against (or which risks may be accounted for in the budget) after all possible risks have been identified and scaled.

How many corporations, do you think, account for these risks?  Start by asking how many of them have developed a policy that prevents the keeper of a corporate PDA from installing apps without some sort of controls in place.