Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘terminated‘ – albeit temporarily – Assembly Bill No. 926, the proposed e-discovery California rules (Sorry – I just couldn’t help myself).
Depending upon the source you consult, you’ll either take the Governor at his word that his veto is due to the lack of a budget agreement, or perhaps you’ll suspect that other political considerations are involved. Politics are politics. Although I’ve been preparing for implementation of the new e-discovery California rules, I’ve also been around politics long enough to know that these things rarely happen on schedule.
Make no mistake, formal rules are coming to California. In several states, they’ve already arrived. This is a ‘golden’ opportunity for Corporations and Law Firms in California – or serving California – to get ahead of the game.
The State Bar of California concurs. “Several major cases in recent years highlight the perils of electronic discovery
gone wrong and illustrate the risks of failing to have in place document preservation
procedures and litigation hold policies.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.