e-Discovery California: Upcoming Presentations, Activities & #LPMT Free Offer EXTENDED!

Is it just me, or are these officially the dog days of summer?  Maybe I feel that way because while visiting my mom, the temperature hit 115 – not fit for man, beast…or lawyer!

The California State Bar Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching, so I thought I'd issue this friendly reminder.  I'm presenting CLE #144 on Sunday, September 18th from 8:30 – 9:30am with my colleague on the Law Practice Management & Technology Section Executive Committee, Derick Roselli, called "Truth or Consequences: e-Discovery Facts and Fallacies".  Here's the synopsis I came up with this time:

"Often, attorneys and their clients lack an understanding of technology, and are unclear about e-discovery rules and the risk of sanctions. This presentation provides an in-depth understanding of the process and how to stay on the right side of ethical lines."

That's a bit better than the ones I came up with at the last minute.  For attorneys, one-half-hour of the presentation qualifies for the coveted ethics credit.  So, do what I'm going to do; get up early, drink as much coffee as you need, then join us for some very useful information!

And while we're talking about credit:

You still have time to take advantage of free LPMT Section membership through the rest of 2011.  The deadline has been extended and is now Tuesday, September 27th.  All you need to do is send an email to lpmt@calbar.ca.gov and include your California State Bar number (if you have one).  That's it!

But wait!  There's more!  This offer isn't just for attorneys – or even California-licensed attorneys.  Out of state attorneys, paralegals, anyone who would like to test-drive the section may join!  You still have time.  Email us before the deadline!

Before I go, if you're attending the annual meeting, just thought I'd mention, if you want to meet, I'm going to be there every day from Thursday through Sunday.  I do have a ton of meetings and activities scheduled, but I'll always make myself available.  Also, I encourage you to partake of the many other high-quality CLEs presented by the LPMT Section.  Check the guide for details. 

Now, where did I put my lemonade?