Browning Marean in a Single Image

When we would have dinner or be at a reception, Browning always left early. That was his ‘thing’. He was just one of those guys that turned in early. Maybe he subscribed to the adage, “Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home.”

I wish – just this once – he’d made an exception.

I didn't know Browning Marean as well as many others who wrote eloquent tributes about him upon his recent passing.  I also didn't know him as long as many others; nevertheless, he influenced my life the same way they have described.  I wanted to share a little bit of that with you.

I originally met Browning like many of us did – at a technology conference.  He was doing one of his numerous talks and displayed his version of a map of the world that was simply hilarious.

I came up to him afterward, introduced myself and told him I wrote a little blog about eDiscovery and would he consider permitting me to post his map?  You know the answer.  I had a copy of it in my hands within a day or two.  Here's both the post from July 2009 and the map:

World According to Americans - Marean

Typical Browning.  He seemed so…patrician, yet here he was with this off-color map.  One thing was certain; Browning was an equal opportunity offender!

Around that time, I was appointed to the LPMT Executive Committee of the State Bar of California and met Robert Brownstone.  As it turns out, he and Browning were good friends and next thing I knew, I was being included in a lot of other conferences; and eventually added to the faculty of one.  After that, I saw Browning much more often…but I digress.

Approximately two years ago, I was at the state bar's annual meeting in Monterey and was chatting with someone at a reception when I felt a gentle, but firm grip on my shoulder.  I turned around and there was Browning (he was not a 'tapper', you understand).  In his booming 'on the air' voice, he said, "I just saw you there and wanted to say hello!"  After a brief conversation he said, "We should do a presentation together."  I was floored.  Here was the Granddaddy of eDiscovery in California (perhaps the world) offering to do a program with me [I always called him, "The Father of eDiscovery" in public out of respect – "Granddaddy" made him seem too old.]  I considered it carefully (a millisecond) and accepted with the notion that, knowing Browning's hectic schedule, he was probably being gracious and it would never happen.

I was wrong.  It happened, and it's on video!  He and I presented together at last year's Annual Meeting.  What a privilege to share the stage with him.  That was less than a year ago – and now he's gone.  I can barely get my arms around it.  With the next Annual Meeting coming up, all of the memories are flooding back.  I'm trying to focus on the good ones these days.

That's all I wanted to say.  I'll close with this: When we would have dinner or be at a reception, Browning always left early.  That was his 'thing'.  He was just one of those guys.  Maybe he subscribed to the adage, "Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home."

We wish – just this once – he'd made an exception.

Calbar 87th Annual Meeting: Upcoming Program(s)

Calbar 87th AM Banner
I just took a look through this top page.  I've only posted ten times (including this one) in almost an entire year!  I've got to try to step up my game, but honestly, it's going to be difficult as I get busier and busier.  I'll do my best; in the meantime, here are my upcoming program(s) at the State Bar Annual Meeting in San Diego (I used the (s), because for one program, I'm making a guest appearance but am supposed to be in two places at once!):

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Leveraging Technology to Win the Discovery Game:  Program 31

Thursday, September 11, 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.

This is tentative.  There's a meeting of the Council of Sections simultaneously with this program and since I will be assuming the role of Co-Chair at the conclusion of the Annual meeting, I need to be there.

I'm hoping to make my way to this session and appear for the last thirty minutes or so.  But be warned; if I'm delayed, I might not make it.  My colleague, Alex Lubarsky is presenting, so either way, I encourage you to check it out as he's extremely knowledgable.

This program will cover the rules and new technologies governing electronically stored information (ESI). Learn about cutting edge litigation technology advancements that will result in cost savings and streamlined management of ESI.

CLE: 1.0 Hour of Which 0.5 Hour Applies to Legal Ethics

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The National Security Agency and Attorney Confidentiality: How to Protect Your Clients:  Program 63

Friday, September 12, 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

The National Security Agency (NSA) has been heavily featured in the news. While the agency collects our data, how does it use it?  This program will address the NSA’s data collection and the unique challenges it presents to lawyers. Learn how to protect yourself and your clients' confidence.

CLE: 1.5 Hours of Which 0.5 Hour Applies to Legal Ethics

As you can imagine, questions about the NSA come up a lot in my presentations when I discuss attorney confidentiality, but with the outright panic I'm starting to see due to all of the misinformation out there, I feel it is time to address the issue in-depth.  We're going to spend ninety minutes exploring attorney ethical obligations, what the NSA says they do vs. what they really do and how you can best protect client confidences – hopefully without experiencing a meltdown in the process.

That's it for this year.  Hope to see you in San Diego!

Love in an Elevator: Jay Z, TMZ & the Death of Privacy


Do Not Use

If you've been anywhere near the media recently, you won't have avoided hearing about a certain confrontation in an elevator.

Now, true, an elevator isn't exactly private – and there were security cameras.  Still, I'm pretty sure we'd all agree that having our antics recorded and sold to TMZ violates a bright line.

I'm sticking to my earlier assessment; assume you're being recorded wherever – and whenever – you are…

Calbar Solo Summit 2014: So Much for Cutting Back!

Solo Summit 2014


Hi All – hope things are going well with you.  I said I was planning to cut back on presentations, but somehow I was selected to do two programs at the upcoming State Bar of California Solo & Small Firm Summit in Newport Beach (note that's a change from the usual location, Long Beach).  So, without further adieu, here's my schedule:


Solo Summit 2014 - Friday

Friday Lunch Program:  11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

(Program 17, June 20th)

Junior Associate to Senior Partner: Confidentiality, Privacy and Technology Governance

Generally speaking, senior attorneys tend to be intimidated by technology. On the other hand, junior attorneys tend not to be intimidated enough!  This program strikes the balance and answers the burning question, “Am I doing enough to protect the privacy and confidentiality of both my practice and my client information?”

MCLE: 1.0 Hour Ethics

[I was awarded one of the coveted plenary sessions for the first time.  Normally, we break into three concurrent MCLE presentations, but the plenary sessions have all 250 attendees.  I'm going to have to be on my toes for this one…]


Solo Summit 2014 - Saturday

11:00 a.m. to 12 noon

(Program 32, June 21st)

Leveraging Technology to Beat the Big Guys in the Discovery Game

Panel presentation of the rules and new technologies pertaining to ESI (electronically stored information) that will level the playing field to allow a solo or small firm attorney to “go toe-to-toe” with a large law firm throughout the discovery process — even during the most complex and voluminous litigation. The speakers discuss cutting edge litigation technology advancements which translate to cost savings and more streamlined management of electronically stored information. New technology trends discussed include computer assisted review, analytics, the latest trends with computer forensics and automating litigation hold policies among others.

MCLE: 1.0 Hour Ethics

Hope to see you there!

…So Begins My Year as Co-Vice-Chair of CSBS!

On Thursday, October 10th, I was a couple of days away from taking my place as the "Immediate Past Chair" of the Law Practice Management and Technology Section.  Instead, I was elected Co-Vice-Chair of the Council of State Bar Sections along with my good friend Mark Ressa of the Family Law Section.  It's a new, three-year commitment with the Bar!

Yes, yes…I know what you're thinking.  It has "BS" in the name…

Onward & upward!

CalBar LPMT Section Announces New App for Android & iOS!

LPMT App LinkedIn

Well, I've been working on this for two years, and today it's finally reality!  The new Android & iOS app from the State Bar of California Law Practice Management and Technology Section went live this morning.

Access our best publications, social media offerings and resources; all available under one roof for people on the go!  Best of all, you don’t have to be a member of the LPMT Section; the app is free to everyone.  It also makes a great companion to the upcoming annual meeting, because all of our presentations are pre-loaded on the calendar.

We hope you enjoy it!

Calbar Family Law Section Hosts Social Media Meet-Up at 86th Annual Meeting

The State Bar of California Family Law Section hosts a social media meet-up at #CalbarAM13!  It will be held at The Loft Bar & Bistro,
90 South 2nd Street, San Jose, CA on Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 PM. Socialize with the
California Young Lawyers Association, LPMT, Family Law, Business, IP, International
Law & more!

The official hash
tag for the event is: #InterSection.  See you there!

An IT Executive Turned Privacy, Cyber Security & Litigation Attorney and Consultant Shares his Personal Insights.