Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Calbar Family Law Section Hosts Social Media Meet-Up at 86th Annual Meeting

The State Bar of California Family Law Section hosts a social media meet-up at #CalbarAM13!  It will be held at The Loft Bar & Bistro,
90 South 2nd Street, San Jose, CA on Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 PM. Socialize with the
California Young Lawyers Association, LPMT, Family Law, Business, IP, International
Law & more!

The official hash
tag for the event is: #InterSection.  See you there!

Where’s Perry?

LPMT All-Hands 05-14-13
My LPMT colleague, Derick Roselli took this cool panorama of our Executive Committee hard at work at our all-hands meeting at the State Bar offices in Los Angeles this past Tuesday.  No wonder I never seem to have any time to post!

By the way; I'm in there, somewhere…

Int-Elect Required to Defeat Cyberattacks on Voting

MP900402417Sometimes, it's not easy thinking about disaster-planning all of the time.  Not incorporating enough caution means you get it wrong and somebody will be angry with you.  Incorporate too much caution and everyone thinks you're paranoid (insert usual joke here about you all watching me…).

So, how alarmed should we be to hear about the first documented case of a cyberattack on a U.S. election?  If you're in disaster-planning, you would have been concerned about it years ago, prior to election functions like registration migrating to the 'Net and voting machines using touchscreens and tabulating via software.  And to think; recently 'they' were suggesting voting by email

I can't think of anything more critical than preserving the integrity of the electoral process, but here's some food for thought to all of the factions currently bickering over Voter-ID laws:

While you're bickering over how to guard the front-door, perhaps you should send someone 'round back


MP900426632Remember when I used to update you prior to being away?  Well, I started by going home to celebrate my mom's 90th birthday (quite an achievement!) and ended with three days of State Bar meetings.

Oh yeah, and I turn 50 tomorrow…

Nevertheless, I'm back and will pick up where I left off soon.

AB 2073: eFiling Requirements for Orange County, California Superior Court – Effective 01-01-13

MP910220916Happy New Year, All!  I've been taking a little bit of a break from blogging, combing social media, etc.  However, this tidbit on AB 2073 crossed my path yesterday.  I'm posting the information verbatim from the Orange County Superior Court website:

PUBLIC EFILING NOTICES:  Effective January 1, 2013, pursuant to amendments
to Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6 and Orange County, California
Superior Court Rule 352, all documents filed in limited, unlimited, and complex
civil actions must be filed electronically unless the Court rules otherwise.
After January 1, 2013 any document that is electronically filed with the court
after the close of business shall be deemed to have been filed on the next
court day. “Close of business” means the time at which the court no longer
accepts filings at the court’s filing counter (e.g., 4:00 P.M.). Although not
ready for immediate implementation, the court is working towards extending the
electronic ‘filing window’ to midnight, at which point all documents filed
before midnight on a court day will deemed to have been filed on that court
day, and documents electronically filed on or after midnight will be deemed
filed on the next court day.

We are Not Alone

MP900409531A lot of people may not agree with me, but I stand behind this simple advice; assume you are being watched/followed/transcribed/recorded 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Act accordingly.  Of course, the key is in balancing confidentiality without venturing over the line into paranoia.  I can’t help you, there.  It comes down to using your best judgment.

Or, you can do what Patrick Moran, the son of Congressman Jim Moran, did

Use your Illusion I: Airlines, Apps & the Big Fib


Technology is great, isn’t it?  Where has this been more true than with airline apps?  Now, we have real-time access to everything that’s happening with flights – and I mean everything.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that anyone told the agents at United Airlines…

So while the agent was on the phone, telling me my flight departed on time and had left me at the airport, I was able to tell him that my flight was delayed and sitting on the tarmac.  When the agent promised that my connector wouldn’t leave without me, I could see that it had already departed – six minutes early, no less.

Don’t even ask me about the poor woman nearby, who was able to see available flights on her tablet at the same moment the agent was telling her the flights didn’t exist.  I can’t repeat the words she used on a family blog (“FRAUD!!!”).

This is like that satisfying moment in Annie Hall, when Woody Allen pulls Marshall McLuhan out of thin air.  Well, mildly satisfying; I caught the big fib, but it didn’t get me on another flight – until the next morning, anyway.

Bottom line:  It’s difficult for a 6’4″ individual to sleep at an airport…in dress pants (no, I didn’t pack my jammies); maybe United could concentrate on that, first…