Well, it's been a quiet week in eDiscovery Insights-Land, California, out on the edge of the prairie…the little blawg that time forgot and the decades may improve…where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the lawyers are above average…
Anybody who's a fan of Garrison Keillor recognizes the above reference. About the only connection I have to the original is that I grew up in the province of Alberta, which is on the Canadian prairie (yes, Canada has a prairie…)
I channeled that quote after reading this great line from Adrian Dayton in the National Law Journal:
"Social media and blogging aren't about making you famous; they are about making you a little bit famous…"
Dayton examines why major law firms are – or aren't – blogging, and why. Take it from me, I can think of many reasons to blog and many reasons not to blog. In this 'taken out of context' world, which also happens to be a staple of litigation strategy (as I partially examined in this post, recently) it's very easy for someone to take a snippet of information and manipulate it.
Comes with the territory. Like it or not, we live in a sound-bite world.
On the other hand, a lot of major firms may not be blogging; but they're reading us. I found that out when, for example, a Partner at Jones Day quoted one of my posts for an article about Twitter in the New York State Bar Association Journal.
A little bit famous…
[Thanks to Charlotte Brownstone for today's title!]