A Lawyer Walks into an #LPMT Presentation…

MP900448335 No, I'm not going to post every time I make a presentation – unless there's something interesting to note.  In this case, my colleague Gideon Grunfeld and I presented on law practice management issues.  He covered attorney advertising and reputation-protection online and I covered – what else – protecting your data in the cloud, via social media, on your PDA, etc.  I also ran the attendees through the new California State Bar Opinion 2010-179 re: wireless networks.

Now, this was a group of tax attorneys, which is not in our usual wheelhouse, and being as we were the first presenters at 2:30 PM, I assumed we wouldn't get more than 15-20 people.  Then they started having to bring in extra chairs…then more extra chairs…and by the time we concluded, they were standing in the hallway; we estimated close to 50 people!

What's the significance?  Well, first of all, we knock ourselves out to try to do quality presentations, so it's no fun presenting to an empty room, but second of all, I was heartened that these attorneys wanted to know this material.  We took a bunch of quality questions, also.

Things are looking up!